Laurel County Republican Jarrad Hensley Joins White House Staff

Many parents dream of their children someday working in the White House, and one Laurel County native has achieved just that. Jarrad Hensley of London is the son of Nick and Connie Hensley, and he was recently hired as an editor in Presidential Correspondence for the Bush Administration.

“I was born and raised in London, Kentucky and from the get-go, I was instilled with the conservative principles of the Republican Party. My political maturation was fostered through guidance of both of my parents who belong to the Republican Party in addition to my sister Amber, who worked in Frankfort for the Republican Governor Ernie Fletcher.” said Hensley.

Jarrad began his political interests when he attended Georgetown College, and became a member of the College Republicans.

“In college I took advantage of the various political organizations, and this was helpful in persuading me to officially major in what I quickly was becoming to love, political science.” stated Hensley.

In college he interned in Frankfort for 17th District Republican State Senator Damon Thayer in the 2007 session of the Kentucky General Assembly.

After college Jarrad moved to Washington D.C., where he worked as a staff assistant for U.S. Senator and Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.

He then soon after accepted an offer to join the White House as an editor in Presidential Correspondence, and also currently works as a presidential campaign volunteer for John McCain.

“Jarrad Hensley is a prime example of the future that the Republican Party. He makes all of Laurel County proud to call him one of our own.” said Laurel County Republican Chairman Bryan Mills.