Laurel County Republican Party Attends Statewide Convention, Sends Largest Delegation from the 5th Congressional District
On Saturday, June 7th the Laurel County Republican Party attended the Kentucky Republican Party Convention in Bowling Green, Kentucky at the Sloan Convention Center.
The purpose of the convention was to elect the delegates to attend the National Republican Party Convention that will be held later this year in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Of the 27 Counties that make up the 5th Congressional District, the Laurel County Republican Party sent the largest number of delegates than any other attending county in Southeastern Kentucky. There were 28 Laurel Republicans attending, and 18 of which were official delegates to the convention.
“The statewide conventions are an important part of our democray and the nomination process for our Republican Presidential Candidate, and I am very proud so many Laurel Republicans turned out to support the party.”, said Laurel County Republican Party Chairman Bryan Mills.
Pictured are some of the conventions attendees from left to right: Bryan Mills (Laurel County Republican Party Chairman), Don McFadden, Russell Burgin, James Barnett, Carla Handy, Jason Handy, Jonathan Durham, Molly Barnett, J.L. Albright (Asst. County Attorney), Connie Depew, Jackie Steele, Sr., Donna McClure (Sen. McConnell Field Rep), Jackie Steele (Commonwealth Attorney), Karen Wyan, Casey Taylor, Joyce Garland Parker (Laurel County PVA), Jackie Mills, Wes Harville, Jonathan McClure, Debbie Harville, Regina Crawford, and Gary Parker.