On Saturday, July 12th the Executive Committees of the Laurel and Knox County Republican Parties met to nominate their candidate for Commonwealth Attorney for this November’s election. Both committees unanimously nominated Jackie Steele as the Republican Nominee for the general election this November.
“Jackie Steele has been Assistant Commonwealth Attorney for over five years, and I feel he will do a fantastic job as our Commonwealth Attorney.” said Knox County Clerk and Republican Chairman Mike Corey.
Kentucky Election Law states that if a vacancy for Commonwealth Attorney happens after a Primary Election and the governor appoints someone to that position both the Republican and Democrat parties of the counties affected can override that governor’s appointment by selecting their own nominee for the November Election.
“Democrat Governor Steve Bashear could have selected any number of local Democrats to fill this appointment for Knox and Laurel, but in the end he went with a good hard working Republican like Jackie Steele and that made our nomination process a lot easier.”, said Laurel County Republican Chairman Bryan Mills.
The Republican Party of Kentucky rules state that the executive committee of each county jointly meet in a special session called by the 5th Congressional District Republican Party Chairman, who is currently State Senator Tom Jensen of London.
The numbers of votes for each county were determined by the number of registered Republican votes at the close of the books for the 2007 General Election. Knox County had 14,245 registered Republican voters at that time and Laurel County had 28,958 registered Republican voters.
The results will become finalized at they are reviewed and approved by the Secretary of State and the State Board of Elections.
Steele on the Ballot - Sentinel Echo
Steele to Represent Republican Party - The Times Tribune